
We overhaul, refit and modify older machines to bring them up to the standards of the best available technology. We offer partial and complete refits. In a partial refit, the critical components are replaced. In a complete overhaul, most components are replaced or reconditioned as new. After a complete overhaul, the machine is up to the standards of a new machine. During the retrofitting work, the machine can also be modified for new requirements.

Options available during modification include:

  • Automation by robot
  • In-process monitoring
  • And much more

If you are interested, please get in touch with us.

The following machines have already been successfully retrofitted:

  • M641
  • M644
  • MZ120
  • MZ130
  • L7500
  • L124
  • L109

Your machine not listed? Then simply ask us – there’s no obligation.

Contact person

Viktor Schüpbach
+41 32 356 03 86